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Post Medieval (c.AD1616-1642) copper alloy weight for checking the mass of an Angel gold coin. It is square, and one face is stamped with the figure of the Archangel Michael, standing, left, holding a lance and confronting a dragon. Length 15.0mm, Width 14.8mm, Thickness 3.4mm, Mass 3.90g (60.1 grains) a mass which, taking into account some damage suffered by the weight places its mass in keeping with the 65 grain module used in the suggested period. Withers, P. & Withers, B. (1995. Identifying Coin-Weights Found in Britain Lions Ships and Angels. Galata Press, page 68) quote the masses of Angel coins as follows:
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Post Medieval (c.AD1616-1642) copper alloy weight for checking the mass of an Angel gold coin. It is square, and one face is stamped with the figure of the Archangel Michael, standing, left, holding a lance and confronting a dragon. Length 15.0mm, Width 14.8mm, Thickness 3.4mm, Mass 3.90g (60.1 grains) a mass which, taking into account some damage suffered by the weight places its mass in keeping with the 65 grain module used in the suggested period. Withers, P. & Withers, B. (1995. Identifying Coin-Weights Found in Britain Lions Ships and Angels. Galata Press, page 68) quote the masses of Angel coins as follows:
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Kreditering: Rights Holder: The Portable Antiquities Scheme
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Reference:PAS-ID : FAKL-14A135